Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Frequently asked questions about online giving
Yes. We accept debit and credit cards issued by Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.
Sure. When you select the “Give Online” button on osltulsa.org, it will automatically take you to the online giving page where you can make a single transaction.
You will receive an email receipt each time you make a donation.
On the drop down menu, you select how often you’d like your contribution deducted (weekly, monthly, semi-annual, annually). Any recurring gifts you set up will not have an end date and will be active until you chose to delete it. Contributions scheduled on Friday through Sunday may show up “pending” until early the following week.
Call or email our office: 918-836-3752
All online gifts to OSL Tulsa are added to our General Fund which supports our local and satellite ministries.
Debit and credit cards can be an efficient tool for payments and purchases if used properly. Many people use them in place of checks or cash throughout the month and then pay off the balance. We strongly discourage those who have ongoing credit card debt from exercising this option.
You may contact Sandra Meyer at office@osltulsa.org.